清华大学全球可持续发展研究院(Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University, 英文简称为TUSDG,中文简称为“清华全球SDG研究院”)获批成立于2017年4月26日,依托bet63365,并联合相关院系开展教学研究工作,是校级非营利性科研机构。研究院致力于深入开展关于联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)整体框架、政策执行和各个具体目标的多学科交叉研究;全面促进与联合国相关机构及国际同行在SDGs领域中的经验交流与互鉴;加强世界各国执行SDGs的经验交流和政策学习;努力成为SDGs研究领域中具有国际学术影响力和政策影响力的专业研究机构。同时,研究院还将通过全新的课程体系和灵活的培养过程,提供专业性研究生学位项目和各种短期培训项目,为国际社会培养和输送SDGs领域的综合性专业人才。此外,研究院还将与中国有关政府机构开展密切合作,努力成为中国SDGs研究领域中最具影响力的高端智库。
清华大学全球可持续发展研究院主要研究方向包括SDGs对于全球治理模式的挑战、 “联合国千年发展目标”(MDGs)深度后评估、科技创新在SDGs执行过程中的作用、 SDGs本土化执行面临的挑战、中国的五年规划与落实SDGs之间的协调、一带一路与 SDGs的实施、社会组织如何推进“可持续发展目标的实现” 以及SDGs实施过程中的监测、评价和政策反馈。
SDGs评估体系建设及实现路径相关研究,探讨中国推动SDGs的实施的角色、作用、贡献和影响机制,以及中国在SDGs框架下, 加强与SDSN等国际网络的合作,致力于推进SDGs的伙伴关系。
与联合国开发计划署( UNDP)等国际机构形成长期紧密合作,共同开展推进SDGs在中国落实的操作性咨询项目和培训项目,助力SDGs在中国的落地;
机构成立大会揭牌仪式 2017年5月14日(The Inaugural Ceremony of TUSDG 2017.05.14)
Institute for Sustainable Development Goals, Tsinghua University
Housed in the School of Public Policy and Management in Tsinghua University on April 26th, 2017. The Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University (TUSDG) aims to establish a leading platform to conduct interdisciplinary research and collaborate with global partners to address challenges in implementing UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By integrating theoretical learning and practical experience in the field, the TUSDG also strives to cultivate a new generation of talents who are dedicated to the implementation of SDGs and the improvement of global governance. In addition, the TUSDG will make every effort at creating a high-end open platform in the research field of SDGs, attracting world-class experts and scholars to be involved in teaching and research activities. Finally, the institute aspires to become a leading think tank in China on SDG-related policies through cooperative partnerships with relevant government agencies.
Research Direction
- Conducting research on the issues in localizing SDGs, coordination between China’s Five-Year Plan and the SDG implementation, and challenges facing SDGs with regard to the existing global governance;
- Evaluating the performance of implementation approaches for SDGs and sharing on China’s experience in achieving SDGs and its collaboration with other countries;
- Joining the SDSN global network, serving as the hub for SDSN in China and facilitating cooperation between Chinese academic institutions and global partners;
- Promoting double master’s degree in public policy and SDGs with the University of Geneva and providing short-term training programs related to SDG implementation;
- Fostering close partnership with relevant government agencies in China, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and other international organizations, jointly carrying out consulting and training projects to facilitate the implementation and localization of SDGs in China; and
- Establishing the public communication platform for the TUSDG and cooperating with relevant academic and social organizations to spread ideas and achievements related to SDGs.