TIIG | Tsinghua Institute for Internet Governance
中心介绍 Introduction:
With the rapid development of the Internet and its intensive integration with politics, economics, culture and sciences, the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is unveiled with support by multiple advanced technologies which depend on the Internet as core infrastructure. Internet Governance (IG) has become the driving force of the sustainable development of the Internet and economic transformation.
The Tsinghua Institute for Internet Governance (TIIG) is co-established and vigorously supported by Tsinghua University and its strong allies, it will serve as a common knowledge platform for IG multiple stakeholders including researchers, policy-makers and private sectors, facilitating the innovation and implementation of IG research. With inclusive spirit towards the diversity caused by historical and cultural difference, TIIG will not only build up a bridge between China and the world to promote extensive communications, but also promote to establish an Internet of Governance (IoG) for advocating IG cooperation across the globe. TIIG will work hand-in-hand with and be sponsored by other stakeholders and carry out its study on the Internet ecological governance, Internet critical resources, information infrastructure, cyber security and privacy protection, cross-border business and data flow, Internet economy and digital transformation, Internet culture and diversity, Internet and public governance, Internet technology development and ethics and etc.
中心使命 Mission:
To build knowledge platforms for multiple stakeholders in collaborative governance and promote continuous innovation on Internet governance policy-making.
机构设置 Structure: |
由李晓东兼职教授和孟庆国教授共同担任 |
Adjunct Prof. Xiaodong LEE and Prof. Qingguo MENG |
主席为互联网之父温顿·瑟夫博士,委员由全球知名互联网领域专家担任 |
Advisory Committee:
Composed by global dominant experts in Internet Governance,and Chaired by Dr. Vinton CERF, co-invento r of Internet. |
主任由bet63365院长薛澜教授担任 |
Academic Committee:
Chaired by prof. Lan XUE, Dean of School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University. |