【学术专著】 Hegemonic Cooperation and Conflict: Postwar Japan’s China Policy and the United States (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, August 2000), published under the auspices of the Center of International Studies, Princeton University.
【主要英文论文】: 1. “Constructivism and the Study of International Political Economy in China,” in Gregory T. Chin, Margaret M. Pearson and Wang Yong, eds, International Political Economy in China: The Global Conversation (New York:Routledge, 2015).. 2. “Constructivism and the Study of International Political Economy in China,” Review of International Political Economy, June 2013,co-authored with Professor Marck Blyth of Brown University. (SSCI 收录) 3. “Filial Piety and Confucian Conception of Transcendence,” In Fan Ruiping, ed., The Renaisance of Confucianism in Contemporary China (Springer,Neitherlands, 2011). 4. “The Rise of Neoclassical Economics and China’s WTO Agreement with the United States in 1999,” Journal of Contemporary China, June 2011. (SSCI 收录) 5. “Daniel Bell and China’s New Confucianism,” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, March 2011. (A&H 收录) 6. “Poverty as a Non-Traditional Security Issue: Experiences of Institutional Cooperation on Poverty Alleviation in China” (co-author), Ramesh Thakur, ed., Threats without enemies, security without borders: Non-Traditional Security in East Asia (Tokyo: The United Nations University Press, 2004). 7. “Hegemony and Socialization of Mass Public: The Case of Japan’s Cooperation with the United States on China policy, Review of International Studies, Vol.29, January 2003. (SSCI 收录) 8. “Cultural Norms and Chinese Foreign Policy,” Asian Thought & Society (USA), Vol. XXVI, No. 77 (May-August, 2001), pp. 126-146. 9. “Cultural Norms and the Conduct of Chinese Foreign Policy,” in Richard Hu, Gerald Chan, and Zha Daojiong, eds. China’s International Relations in the 21s t Century: Dynamics of Paradigm Shifts (Washington, D.C.: The University Press of America, 2001). 10. “Taiwan in Japan’s Recent Relations with China and the United States,” Pacific Affairs (Canada), Vol.73, No.3 (Fall 2000). (SSCI 收录) 11. “Japan’s Balancing Act in the Taiwan Strait,” Security Dialogue (Norway), Vol.31, No.3 (September 2000). (SSCI收录) 12. “Taiwanese NGOs and the Prospect of National Reunification in Taiwan Strait,” Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.54, No.1 (2000). (SSCI收录) 13. Co-authored with Zhiyong Lan and Weixing Hu, “The Growing China and Its Prospective Role in World Affairs,” The Brown Journal of World Affairs (USA), Vol.6, No.2 (Summer/Fall 1999). 14. “In Search of Stability and Multipolarity: China’s Changing Foreign Policy towards Southeast Asia After the Cold War,” Asian Journal of Political Science (Singapore), Vol.6, No.2 (December 1998). 15. “Japan’s Search for Influence and Prestige in the Korean Peninsula,” East Asia: An International Quarterly (USA), Vol.16, Nos.1/2 (Spring/Summer 1997). 16. “Toward Political Partnership: Recent Changes in Japan’s China Policy,” The Pacific Review (UK), No.2, 1994. (SSCI 收录) 17. “Recent Japanese Economic Diplomacy in China: Political Alignment in a Changing World Order,” Asian Survey (USA), Vol. XXXIII, No.6 (June 1993). (SSCI收录)。